The Spinnaker Tower
Ah yes. The Infamous (at least around here) Spinnaker Tower. Completed in 2005, only 6 years late (it was originally supposed to be called the Millenium Tower). Personally I think its rather a nice addition to the skyline here in Portsmouth. You cant go anywhere on the whole of Portsea Island without catching this in the corner of your eye.It sits right at the entrance to the harbour, when arriving by ship its quite a dramatic sight.
A few problems were associated with the building of the tower - the concrete cracked, the tower went overbudget and then when it was due to open an executive of the city council got stuck in the glass elevator on the outside for some time! I`m still not sure the glass elevator even works to this date.
Visitor numbers have, however, surpassed expectations with over 250,000 coming to take the lift or walk the stairs to the top. I haven't yet ;) A later picture on the blog will be a night time shot of the tower - they change the color according to... well, something known only to them. Personally I think the white spot lights are most effective against the night sky.
View Satellite image of the the Spinnaker Tower @ Google maps
An interesting shot as it currently shows it before completion.
It's a truly beautiful structure, and very photogenic. Nice one!
Welcome to the DP family!
Welcome to the DPB. You have made a great start. I love seeing different house styles and street scenes.
Welcome to the DP family! I'm enjoying your photographs a lot!
Welcome to the DP family! You have wonderful pictures. I'm enjoying the views of Portsmouth.
great shot of the that taller or shorter than Eifel tower in Paris?
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